
190615bohemelet 11G. Puccini: La Bohéme„ … and Echo” – Puppet opera in one act adapted from “Kereszt” (Cross) by Fruzsina B. Török

Giacomo Puccini: La Bohéme– Opera in four acts, in Italian presented in three parts with projected animation





Giacomo Puccini: La Bohéme

Cast:bohemelet vj11 resizeIstván Horváth and Kinga Kriszta Rodolfo – István Horváth, Mimi – Kinga Kriszta, Marcello – Zsolt Haja, Musetta – Rita Rácz, Colline – András Kiss, Benoît, Alcindoro – András Hábetler
Directed by: András Hábetler
Conducted by: Gergely Madaras
Contributing: Savaria Symphony Orchestra, Choir of the Győr National Theatre, Children's Choir of the Hungarian State Opera

One of the protagonists of the opera, Marcello, the painter documents the story in his paintings. This way the audience watches a 90-minute animation, which was created using more than one hundred paintings. The animated paintings follow through almost all of the opera; sometimes illustrating the plot or providing background to stage events but sometimes the story itself is set on the screen.
This intimately sentimental and suggestive production is “digestible” even for those, for whom this will be the first encounter with the opera genre.


... and Echo

Li190615echo 8Viktória Vizinbretto: Viktória Vizin and Krisztián Gergye
Music composed by: Péter Zombola
Director, Choreographer: Krisztián Gergye
Puppet Designer: Károly Hoffer and the workshop at the Budapest Puppet Theatre
Costume Design: Gergely Z. Zöldy and Ildikó Debreczeni with sponsorship by Jelmez-Art Kft.
Artistic director: Csilla Bíró

Viktória Vizin - mezzo soprano
Krisztián Gergye - dance
Adél - a life-size puppet
Contributing: Accord Quartet and Péter Zombola

The personal drama of a female opera singer, the play is also, an inverted Bluebeard story about Judith alone, without a man, entrapped in the castle.

The premiere of an exquisite one-act puppet opera was shown for the highly valued audience of the Bartok Plus Opera Festival in Miskolc. The „...and Echo” is a personal drama of a lady opera singer, a sort of inside-out story of the Bluebeard’s Castle, where there is only the woman, Judit without the man, trapped in the castle.




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