
ariadna naxoszban webOpera in one act. Guest performance of the Košice State Theatre.

Huge emotions and funny elements, a special harmony of tragedy and comedy are all characteristics of Richard Strauss’ masterpiece: Ariadne auf Naxos. In this opera you can meet people of an elegant Viennese salon as well as ancient mythological figures. Because on the stage you see ’a play within a play’: the story is about the preperations and the premieres of two operas. Virtuoso arias have much contributed to the popularity of this piece, which attracts with its beautiful, melting melodies and colourful orchestration.
Ticket prices: 4000/3000/2000 HUF
18. June 2016, Saturday 19:00 h – Miskolc National Theatre - Grand Theatre


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2016
műfaj: opera
kategóriák: fesztiváli főprogramok