
mikhail seryshev smallMikhail Seryshevtenor








Mikhail Seryshev was born in Ulan-Ude, graduated from the Banzarov Buryat State Pedagogical Institute (Ulan-Ude), entered the Irkutsk College of Arts with a specialization in “Academic Singing (training course of R. A. Kushakova), later on he transferred to Moscow to the Gnessins State Musical College (training course of V. Aleksandrova).

Mikhail is the winner of the All-Soviet Union Competition of Entertainers in Dnepropetrovsk (1981).

Mikhail Seryshev is a soloist of such groups as “Zvezdochet”, “Iskateli”, “Barguziny”, “Panorama”, and “Chas Pik”. From 1987 to 1999 he was the soloist of the rock-group “Master”. He took part in the projects of such rock-groups as “Epidemia”, “The Master and Margenta”, in the solo albums recordings of A. Granovsky, A. Strike, performed the part of Jesus in the Russian version of the rock-opera “Jesus Christ Superstar” by A. L. Webber (the recording dated 1992). Since 1993 Mikhail has been a soloist of the choir groups Arte Corale, “Pravoslavnye Pevchie”, a male choir directed by S. Krivobokov. He also participated in the recording of the album “The Canticles of the Russian Orthodox Church” (2000).

Mikhail Seryshev has been a soloist of Helikon-Opera since 1999, made his debut as the Astrologer (“The Little Golden Cockerel” by N. Rimsky-Korsakov), participated in the production of the opera “Manifesto” by R. Wallin (Denmark, 2001), played the part of Ivan Bezdomny and Levi Matvei in the recording of the opera “The Master and Margarita” by A. Gradsky (2009). In 2010 Mikhail made his debut in the operetta “Die Fledermaus” by J. Strauss in the Bolshoi Theatre.


Performances at the Opera Festival:

12. 06. 2016.
Leoš Janáček: The Makropulos affair