
2017 06 17 honved resize 05Páva-variációk – Magyar Nemzeti Táncegyüttes (közreműködött a Miskolci Szimfonikus Zenekar Gál Tamás vezényletével)Zoltán Kodály: János Háry suite | Zoltán Kodály: Peacock Variations (Páva-variációk).

Háry János Suite, created from the most typical tunes of his singspiel, Háry János premiered in New York and brought mmediate world renown to Kodály. Peacock variations. The guest performance of the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble also gives insight into the colourful tradition of Central European folk costumes.

Performed by the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Miskolc narrated by Ferenc Fandl

Zoltán Zsuráfszky’s choreography for Kodály’s Peacock Variations performed by the Hungarian National Dance Ensemble

Contributing: the Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Miskolc

Conductor: Tamás Gál



Pictures of the day



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