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160614 oidipus gms 10 resizeGeorge Enescu: Oedipe (Oedipus) – Bucharest National OperaGuest performance of the National Opera of Bucharest

This opera by the best known Romanian composer of the twentieth century is a rare guest on opera stages of the world. The work covers the whole life of Oedipus from birth to death, making us feel act by act how the protagonist is unable to break free from the cursed destiny inflicted upon him. The monumental tragedy and enormous emotional tension of this masterpiece conquered the heart of the audience always avid for the peculiar. Although the opera was performed in a symphonic version, its reception was comparable to fully staged performances.

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Stage director: Valentina Carrasco | Conductor: Tiberiu Soare | Contributing: Ochestra and Choir of the National Opera of Bucharest


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