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Read more ...Bartók Plus Opera Festival created a new path to the popularization of opera in 2012. A central element of the Artistic Concept announced that year was the new series establish-ing a new genre in community culture, which decided to perform immortal masterpieces of world operatic literature in free admission productions.“Let music belong to everyone!” – this often quoted phrase by Zoltán Kodály, composer, musicologist and world-renowned music educator stresses the power of music to de-velop human nature and, more specifically, the human soul. Bartók Plus Opera Festival proclaimed: “Let Opera Belong to Everyone!”

Read more ...For a composer unknown to the public it might be rather difficult to find a theatre ready to produce an operatic work. Since 2013, the opera composition competition advertised by Bartók Plus Opera Festival has offered the opportunity for the musical play by a starting and unknown composer to be performed on stage.

Read more ...Following Béla Bartók’s spirit Bartók Plus Opera Festival involves and inspires; offers support for young talent and holds the creation of quality art of high esteem. It adheres to the best traditions of the operatic genre and gives ground (and stage) to contemporary operatic art. By staging musical drama of our age it breaks the barriers of reservation that separates classical music of our time from all those who tend to consider novel composi-tions pure experiments that seem to be alien to life.

Read more ...Bartók’s compositions for the stage have figured 42 times on the programme of Bartók Plus Opera Festival. Belgrade, Warsaw, Moscow, Cluj Napoca, Sibiu, Kosice – all brought their own interpretations. Judit the heroine of Bluebeard’s Castle was performed by the best opera singers: Eva Marton, Andrea Rost, Gyongyi Lukacs. The Miraculous Mandarin was performed by the Budapest State Puppet Thearte and the Moscow State Classical Ballet Theatre. The Wooden Prince has been staged by Tamás Juronics, Ondrej Šoth, Géza M. Tóth.

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