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2017 06 23 ifj butterfly edv resize 42Shigeaki Saegusa: Ifjabb Butterfly (Jr. Butterfly) – a Torre del Lago-i Puccini Fesztivál vendégjátéka Jr. Butterfly Premiere in Hungary | Guest performance of the Puccini Festival, Torre del Lago

Phone’ symphonic installation for chorus and 100 gramophones – Hommage á Zoltán Kodály


Shigeaki Sheagusa: Jr. Butterfly

A Puccinian opera from a contemporary Japanese composer. Jr. Butterfly, Madama Butterfly’s son is brought up in America and is sent to Japan as a soldier during the 2nd World War. How is his life changed by the atomic bomb falling on Nagasaki and how does he learn about his true origins? You will find out from the performance of the Italian company.


Girolamo Deraco: Phone’

Our world is more and more digitalized. In the 21st century music is also conveyed by digital symbols on CDs, DVDs, on the radio, or on television. In his installation called Phone’ Girolamo Deraco has reversed this trend by re-transforming digital sound to analogous. One hundred gramophones will sound one hundred pre-printed and reproduced vinyl discs on which the digital sound has been recorded. The musical composition will create a musical sound-space never experienced before.

Concept and music Girolamo Deraco in collaboration with Alberto Maria Gatti
Conductor: Ádám Cser


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