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170625 zarogala gms 36 resize Bartók Plusz 2017 Zárógála (Russian Chamber Philharmonic – Szentpétervár) | Szólisták: Nora Friedrichs (szoprán), Mikhail Agafonov (tenor) | Karmester: Jurij GilboThe finest tunes by Rachmaninov, Khacaturian, Mascagni, Puccini, Stravinsky are on show at the concluding Gala Performance of the festival. The Russian Chamber Philharmonic, Saint Petersburg boasts all the Russian trademarks of utmost expression, virtuosity. Nora Friedrichs, coloratura soprano, soloist at their concert is one of the freshest stars of today’s opera scene in Berlin.Her partner, Mikhail Agafonov, tenor, is a much sought-after and celebrated singer in Europe as well as in Northern America.

Russian Chamber Philharmonic, Saint Petersburg
Soloists: Nora Friedrichs,Mikhail Agafonov
Conductor Juri Gilbo




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