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semmelweis 4Opera in one act – Première in Hungary
A joint production of Bartók Plus Opera Festival and the Budapest Operetta and Musical Theatre

This opera was inspired by the tragic story of dr. Ignác Semmelweis (1818–1865). The composer Raymond J. Lustig and the librettist Matthew Doherty are mapping the troubled mind in this new composition. They are unfolding the tension engrained in the truths of human existence, according to which what is truth today might prove completely false one day, and whatever disproves it, the new truth might be disproved in the same manner. No wonder that the Operetta Theatre describes the genre of this often musical-like piece as an “oratorical diagnostic report”. This contemporary musical theatrical piece, along with the bi-centenary of Semmelweis’ birth lends an occasion to contemplate the mystery of intuition and the relationship between genius and pretentiousness in the meandering and chaotic path of human progress.

ssemmelweis 3The performance of the opera at the festival is its première in Hungary as well. The concert première of the opera was held in New York at the National Arts Club on September 11th, 2017. The appreciative reviews of this performance spoke highly about the beauty of the ethereal opening piece for female choir and the concluding part inspired by an ancient Hungarian lullaby.


Ignác Semmelweis: Szilveszter P. Szabó
1st woman: Tünde Frankó
2nd woman: Enikő Lévai
3rd woman: Veronika Nádasi

Bartók Béla Chamber Choir of Szolnok and
Chamber Orchestra of the Budapest Operetta Theatre
Choreographer: Anna Biczók
Conductor: Dániel Dinyés
Directed by: Martin Boross

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