Az István, a király színpadképeBased on Miklós Boldizsár’s play Ezredforduló
Gala performance of the rock opera – symphonic version
A joint production of Bartók Plus Opera Festival and Zikkurat Stage Agency.
On the 35th anniversary of its first performance, the rock opera István, a király (Stephen, the King) is produced in a concert performance like the greatest works of musical theatre, real classic, on the stage of Bartók Plus Opera Festival. The splendour of the performance is ensured by the participation of the best singers and musicians, or the grand symphony orchestra matching the spirit of the piece as well as the place the large choir with their tuxedos and evening dresses.
Kesselyák Gergely (karmester), a háttérben Feke Pál (István), az előtérben Vadkerti Imre (Koppány)The first night performance of the rock opera István, a király (Stephen, the King) marked the start of the changing of the regime in contemporary Hungarian musical theatre. The authors, Levente Szörényi and János Bródy made room for a new musical style with the music of István, a király. Since its première in August, 1983 at Királydomb the success of the piece is unbroken; hundreds of thousands, reaching a million viewed the birth of a new Hungary after the settlement of the nomadic tribes through the battle of Christianism and the pagan faith represented in the fight between István and Koppány in the rock opera based on Miklós Boldizsár’s play Ezredforduló (Turn of the Millennium).
Pál Feke, Imre Vadkerti, György Szomor, János Szemenyei, Enikő Éder, Gabi Tóth, Boglárka Simon, Boldizsár László, Tamás Mészáros, Milán Szakonyi and Gábor Fehér in the leading roles.
Contributing: Danubia Orchestra, Óbuda, Budapest Studio Choir and Honvéd Male Choir
Choir leader: Kálmán Strausz)
Conductor: Gergely Kesselyák
Producer: Mária Rosta
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