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190618 opfeszt flashmob gms 12 resizeMusical stand-up by Ádám Bősze and Choir Music






Bő szekund (Augmented second)| another musical stand-up by Ádám Bősze

190618 opfeszt boszekund gms 3 resizeÁdám BőszeAfter the success of his stand-up performance #szeretnekahallgatók (#Iamlovedbythelisteners) Ádám Bősze is back with the second, Bő szekund (Augmented second). The content is all new but the format has not changed a bit: you can get ready for an hour-long uninterrupted entertainment.

The programme is evaluated as follows by the otherwise severe critic of the Revizor portal: “...we are not bored at all for one and a half hours, which is already a great thing, since an American stand-up special is rarely longer than 50 to 60 minutes, and it is good because the audience of classical music concerts has a place to take a break. Yes, we must not deny it that Ádám Bősze is the relief valve of the classical music scene, the protagonist of an event where you can finally laugh your head off, giggle, fumble and open candy wrapping, cough, and laugh coughing or cough laughing and so on, and nobody is going to tell you off. And finally, you can laugh at the silly and simplistic plots of operas, the stupid names of opera characters, and that there is comedy and misunderstanding even in this ‘wild world’ of evening dresses and tail coats...”

Ádám Bősze’s performance is radically different from stand-up comedy as we know it. His puns are generally related to classical music or cultural history in a broader sense but we come across absurd humour as well.


Concert by the Women’s Choir of the Béla Bartók Music Institute

190618 opfeszt zenepalota korus gms  18 resizeWomen’s Choir of the Béla Bartók Music InstituteContributing:
András Bujtás – organ
Éva Elvira Horváth – piano
Martina Lénárt – solo soprano
Zsanett Zombori – solo soprano
Conducted by: Zoltán Sándor

Choral works by contemporary composers – György Orbán, Levente Gyöngyösi, Miklós Kocsár, Ēriks Ešenvalds, Pablo Casals – and classics – Gioachino Rossini, Josef Gabriel Rheinberger, Francis Poulenc, Gabriel Fauré.


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