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By car, by rail, by coach...

By Car Map
From Budapest, Debrecen and Nyíregyháza the fastest way to reach Miskolc is on the M3 motorway while the main road from Kosice (Kassa) is the national road No 3. The town is a transport hub: The main transport road No 3 from Budapest crosses the town to continue to the Slovakian border and then to Kosice (Kassa). The road No 37 arrives here from the Zemplén region while settlements in the North Borsod region can be reached via road No 26 branching off to road No 27 as well. From Eger, Miskolc can be reached via the Bükk mountains as well.

By Rail
There is direct service of fast and Inter-city trains from Keleti railway station in Budapest to Miskolc via Hatvan, or from the Nyugati station via Szolnok, Debrecen and Nyíregyháza.
Any tram starting from the square outside the railway station passes the inner city. Tram travelling time: 8-10 minutes.

MÁV Direkt
Phone:(+36) 40/49 49 49
Website »

MÁV - Ticket Office (Miskolc inner city)
Address: 2 Arany János Street, Miskolc
Tel.: (+36) 46/35 44 88

MÁV - Railwaystation Tiszai (Miskolc)
Address: 1 Kandó Kálmon Square, Miskolc
Phone:(+36) 46/41 26 65

Timetable to railway »

By Coach
Coach services arrive at Búza Square Coach Terminal, which is at 10 minutes' walking distance from the venues of Bartók Plus Opera Festival

Észak-magyarországi Közlekedési Központ Zrt.
Coach Terminal, Búza Square
Phone: (+36 46) 34 02 88

Timetable to Coach »

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