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Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2003 Mozart,2007 Párizs,2009 Bécs,2010 Európa,2013,2017
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more: Lehár FerencFranz Lehár (30 April 1870 – 24 October 1948) was an Austro-Hungarian composer. He is mainly known for his operettas, of which the most successful and best known is The Merry Widow (Die lustige Witwe).

Read more ...Composer

Ever-evolving work ranges from symphonic, to chamber, technological, multimedia, and, most lately, theatrical.

Read more: Nino Rota"The most precious collaborator I have ever had, I say it straightaway and don''t even have to hesitate, was Nino Rota — between us, immediately, a complete, total, harmony ... He had a geometric imagination, a musical approach worthy of celestial spheres. He thus had no need to see images from my movies. When I asked him about the melodies he had in mind to comment one sequence or another, I clearly realized he was not concerned with images at all. His world was inner, inside himself, and reality had no way to enter it." (Federico Fellini).

Read more ...Italian contemporary classical music composer.

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2018

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