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Anatolij FokanovAnatolij FokanovAnatolij Fokanov finished his studies at the Music Academy of Novosibirsk as a singer, a teacher and conductor.

Thereafter he became a soloist at the Opera in Novosibirsk, followed by similar positions in several large cities in his country, including Saratov, Ufa, Dusambe. In 1991 Anatolij Fokanov won the first prize at the prestigious Sobinov competition.

In Russia, he sang all of the significant operatic baritone roles. He worked with conductors such as I.Zak, A. Katz and K. Kondrasin. After several years acting as guest singer at the Hungarian State Opera he has become a member since 1992. In recent years he appeared as a guest singer in the following countries: France, Egypt, Croatia, Israel, Thailand, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Spain, Poland, Italy, England, Cyprus, Serbia, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, China and also Japan where he performs frequently.

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