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ekaterina oblezova smallEkaterina Oblezovasoprano








Ekaterina Oblezova was born in Moscow, graduated from the Conducting and Choir Department of the October Revolution Music College, the Nizhny Novgorod Glinka State Conservatory with a specialization in “Choir Conducting”. Ekaterina is the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2004).

In 1991 Ekaterina Oblezova joined the theatre company of Helikon-Opera, since 1995 she has been a soloist of the theatre. She goes on many tours with Helikon-Opera throughout Russia and abroad, participates in international arts festivals, also acts as the concert programs’ production director. Ekaterina is the Director of the “Piccolo” Music Theatre, a jury member of the “Sodruzhestvo Iskusstv” Festival. She gives the concerts, singing romans, opera and operetta arias of the Russian and foreign authors as well as folksongs.

Stage directing became a natural stage of the creative biography of Ekaterina Oblezova. As the assistant to the director she worked above Verdi’s Macbeth (directed by Danis Krief); Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Tsar’s Bride, Berg’s Lulu, Bizet’s Carmen and many more performances directed by Dmitry Bertman.


Performances at the Opera Festival:

12. 06. 2016.
Leoš Janáček: The Makropulos affair

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