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gregorz pantakDancer, dance teacher, choreographer.

Jointly with Elżbieta Pańtak created and runs an institutional team – Kielce Dance Theatre. As a choreographer, he has realized theatre and television spectacles.

In cooperation with Elżbieta Pańtak he made choreography and also was a soloist in a music ballet spectacle Seven Gates of Jerusalem, music K. Penderecki, direction J. Minkiewicz, animations T. Bagiński (Teatr Wielki – the National Opera, 2008). A TV film based on the spectacle was nominated to International Emmy® Award in the USA, 2009.
In 2013, he produced a Polish premiere of the Rite of Spring with music by Igor Stravinsky, choreography by A. Preljocaj – broadcast on TVP2.

He also produced dance performances for the world premieres of the Świętokrzyska Philharmonic Symphonic Orchestra with music by P. Łukowiec and K. Dębski.

On the occasion of the Chopin Year, he organized and co-created choreography for TVP 2 Chopin4 with music arrangement by Włodek Pawlik (2010). He cooperates with the Israeli Opera, for which he choreographed Traviata, Carmina Burana, direction Michał Znaniecki (2014, 2015). For the Wrocław Opera in cooperation with Elżbieta Pańtak he created choreography to operas Turandot (2008) , Traviata in the Opera House in the Castle in Szczecin (2016), Romeo and Juliet for the Śląska Opera (2017) – spectacles directed by M. Znaniecki.
As a choreographer he realized the New Year’s Eve Gala for the Baltic Opera in Gdańsk, directed by S. Gonciarz (2017).

Grzegorz Pańtak has danced in all the productions of Kielce Dance Theatre, and as a guest dancer : the Wrocław Opera – the Lost Paradise , K. Penderecki (2008), Turandot, G. Puccini (2010); the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg – King Roger, K. Szymanowski (2009); the Israeli Opera – Traviata, Carmina Burana.


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