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Bartók Plus Opera Festival hosts world-renowned Hungarian artists as well as stars of the international opera scene. Since its beginnings almost all significant soloists, opera companies and music ensembles from Central Eastern Europe have appeared on its stages at least once. You will find information about them under the menu item Performers.


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2009 Bécs
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more ...conduktor

Tibor Bogányi is of Hungarian descent and is regarded as the most interesting and talented member of the generation of Finnish conductors. At the age of 28 he was appointed Chief Conductor of the Turku Philharmonic Orchestra and he remained in this position from 2003 to 2006. From 2008 he was the musical director and chief conductor of the Lappeenranta City Orchestra. In 2010 he also conducted the orchestra of the famous Lappeenrante National Song Contest held every third year.

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2017
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: karmester
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more ...Philippe de Chalendar started his musical carreer with piano and cello. He played in the orchestra of the Schleswig Holstein Festival under Sergiu Celibidache and Leonard Bernstein. Supported by his masters, he went on the path of conducting and analyse at the Conservatoire national de musique de Paris and followed many masterclasses in Sienna, Hilversum, Bartók Festival, Tanglewood...

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2019

Read more: Gergely Kesselyákconductor, stage director, festival director

Read more: Balázs Kocsár"Balázs Kocsár learnt composition in the Béla Bartók Secondary School of Music, then conducting at the Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music where he obtained his degree in 1991 as a student of Prof. Ervin Lukács. He participated in masterclasses of Helmuth Rilling, Péter Eötvös and Jorma Panula, then he finished his studies at the Music Academy of Vienna as the student of Prof. Karl Österreicher.

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