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Opera in one act, in Italian

“Opera for Thousands” presenting immortal masterpieces of world operatic literature will feature Pietro Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana this year. Remaining true to the traditions of the festival the performance is set among the natural scenery of buildings and public spaces in the city. The spectacular open-air opera performance will testify again to the capacity of music to create its audience.


Ezrek operája – Pietro Mascagni: Parasztbecsület

“Opera does not require preliminary studies to reach our heart. Music is capable of touching anyone sitting on the ground or at the kerb.” (Gergely Kesselyák)190621 parasztopera vj24 resizeMascagni: Parasztbecsület (Santuzza – Balga Gabriella, Turiddu – Hector Lopez Mendoza

Turiddu - Hector Lopez Mendoza
Santuzza – Gabriella Balga
Lucia – Veronika Dobi-Kiss
Alfio – Zsolt Haja
Lola – Eszter Balogh

190621 parasztopera vj14 resizeEZREK OPERÁJA – Pietro Mascagni: Parasztbecsület (Cavalleria rusticana)Directed by: Paolo Panizza
Visual Design: Edit Zeke
Conducted by: Balázs Kocsár
Contributing: Orchestra and Choir of the Miskolc National Theatre, Asan Civic Choir, Festival Choir

Initiation performance: 6pm, 19th June Open-air Stage Szent István Square




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