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Bartók Plus Opera Festival hosts world-renowned Hungarian artists as well as stars of the international opera scene. Since its beginnings almost all significant soloists, opera companies and music ensembles from Central Eastern Europe have appeared on its stages at least once. You will find information about them under the menu item Performers.


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2009 Bécs
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more: Mitteleuropäische KammerorchesterChamber orchestra.

The Vienna-based Central European Chamber Orchestra was founded in 2005. It came into being owing to the enthusiasm and adventurous spirit of an international group of alumni of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.

Read more: Pannon PhilharmonicPannon Philharmonic Orchestra is a symphony orchestra of Pécs, a regional centre of science and arts including music. The predecessor of the present ensemble was founded by Viennese composer, György Lickl, in 1811. The orchestra from Pécs, boasting over 200 years of history, has made impressive progress for the past one and a half decades.

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2016
közreműködők: zenekar
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

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The Russian Chamber Philharmonic St. Petersburg was founded in 1990 by graduates of the renowned St. Petersburg State Conservatory and is one of the country's most significant musical ambassadors.To critical acclaim worldwide, the orchestra reflects the talent and famous standards of its homeland's musical education. The Russian trademarks of utmost expression, virtuosity and the famous Russian string sound have led to the orchestra's exceptional standards as one of the most sought-after chamber orchestras of Europe.

Read more: The Israel Contemporary PlayersFounded in 1991, the ICP is widely regarded as the best ensemble of its kind in Israel. Its activity has impacted the country’s musical life and popular appreciation of contemporary music.

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2019

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