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Bartók Plus Opera Festival hosts world-renowned Hungarian artists as well as stars of the international opera scene. Since its beginnings almost all significant soloists, opera companies and music ensembles from Central Eastern Europe have appeared on its stages at least once. You will find information about them under the menu item Performers.


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2009 Bécs
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more: Mladen TarbukMladen Tarbuk, Croatian conductor and composer acclaimed a wide international recognition conducting Tristan und Isolde on the stage of Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb where he was by that time its general director. Leading European opera magazines wrote enthusiastically about his efforts to raise the artistic skill of this ensemble close to the highest international standards and values.

Read more: Zoltán Kocsis (photo by Széll) conductor, pianist, composer, General Music Director


Read more: Bruno Berger-GorskiBruno Berger-Gorski attended the Albrecht Dürer Gymnasium in Hagen, North Rhine-Westphalia. He later attended the University of Vienna, where he studied theater, music and art history and finished with a master's degree. While still at university he wrote a work on Dirk D'Ase called Dirk D'Ase und sein musikdramatisches Werk mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Uraufführung 'Einstein, Spuren des Lichts' (roughly: Dirk D'Ase and his dramatic music works with special consideration for the premiere of Einstein, Footsteps in Light ). Berger-Gorski has demonstrated a focus on rediscovering old or rarely performed operas.

Read more: Dmitry Bertmanstage director

Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2016
közreműködők: rendező
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

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