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Bartók Plus Opera Festival hosts world-renowned Hungarian artists as well as stars of the international opera scene. Since its beginnings almost all significant soloists, opera companies and music ensembles from Central Eastern Europe have appeared on its stages at least once. You will find information about them under the menu item Performers.


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2009 Bécs
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more ...violinist

Vilmos Szabadi studied under Prof. Ferenc Halász at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest where on receiving his diploma, he became the youngest ever to join the teaching staff. Then he studied, after graduation, with Sándor Végh, Ruggiero Ricci and Loránt Fenyves.

Read more: Fotó: Márton Andreamezzosoprano

Andrea Szántó was born in Hungary. She completed her studies at the Academy of Music in Budapest. She won joint First Prize at the I. Barock Singing Competition in Hungary and received the Special Prize of the Hungarian Television and Broadcast. She twice received a scholarship to take part in the Pacific Music Festival in Japan and was awarded the Annie Fischer Prize and Margit Szilvássy Prize in Hungary. After her studies she was engaged by the Hungarian State Opera House, she was the member of the Bielefeld Theatre. She has been the soloist for 13 years at the National Theatre Mannheim.

Read more: Máté Szécsi Bass singer Máté Szécsi was born in Budapest. Since 1998 he has been an artist at the Hungarian State Opera House.

Read more: László Szvétekbass

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