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Bartók Plus Opera Festival hosts world-renowned Hungarian artists as well as stars of the international opera scene. Since its beginnings almost all significant soloists, opera companies and music ensembles from Central Eastern Europe have appeared on its stages at least once. You will find information about them under the menu item Performers.


Tags: fesztiválok listája: 2009 Bécs
műfaj: koncert
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók

Read more: Robert Dean SmithHe was born in Kansas, USA, and studied at Pittsburg (Kansas) State University with Margaret Thuenemann, at the Juilliard School in New York City with Daniel Ferro, and with Professor Janice Harper in Europe.  Like many dramatic tenors, he began his career as a baritone and sang for several years in German opera houses. His excellent training and stage versatility allow him to sing a wide variety of repertoire in many different languages and styles.

Read more: Sonya Yonchevasoprano

Read more: Sébastien SoulèsSébastien Soulès, was born in Orléans (France). He studied both mathematics and music in his home town. Then he studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris, and at the Hochschule der Künste in Berlin with Prof. Harald Stamm. He also had the oppotunity to attend Masterclasses with Walter Berry, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Brigitte Fassbaender and Jose van Dam.

Read more ...soprano

Eszter Sümegi studied at the Franz Liszt Academy in Budapest. In 1992 she was the winner of the Luciano Pavarotti International Voice Competition in Philadelphia, USA.

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