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Ez következik

einat aronstein webEinat Aronsteinszoprán

The Israeli soprano Einat Aronstein has sung as a soloist with the Residentie Orkest The Hague, all major orchestras in Israel including the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra, Barrocade Ensemble and Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra working with conductors as Zubin Mehta, Christian Zacharias, Dan Ettinger, Andrew Parott and Zsolt Nagy, to name a few. As a Lied singer, Einat has collaborated with some of Israel’s most renowned pianists, as Arie Vardi, and has given recitals in The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Scotland, France, Spain, Poland, China and Vietnam.

Einat took part in the world premiere of “A Child Dreams” after Hanoch Levin (Gil Shohat) that was performed in the Israeli Opera and in Wiesbaden, Germany. Other world premieres include “The Rat Laughed” (Milch-Sheriff), “Fly Away” (Milch-Sheriff) and “Badenheim 1939” (Shohat) in the Cameri Theater, Tel Aviv.
Her latest appearances were: Zerlina at Theater Trier; The title role in “Else” (Josef Tal) in the Museum of Modern Art in Salzburg and in the Jewish festival in Krakow; Die Erste Frau in “Baruch's Schweigen” (Sheriff) at StadttheaterFürth, Germany as well as at the Festival EntArteOpera in Vienna; Eva in “der Garten” (Josef Tal); Das Mädchen in “Gespräch mit einem Stein” (Sheriff) at the Bundeskunsthalle Bonn and at Théâtre d’Esch, Luxemburg.
Einat has performed in international festivals as the Innsbrucker Festwochen der Alten Musik, Festival Classique den Haag, Aldeburgh Festival and Impuls Festival for contemporary music in Graz.

In 2012 Einat graduated from the Buchmann-Mehta School of Music where she studied in the class of Mrs. Efrat Ben-Nun. She has been a recipient of the America-Israel Cultural Foundation for Outstanding Musical Performance since 2008, the Israel Vocal Arts Institute Foundation scholarship and the Ronen Foundation. She won the first prize at The Buchmann-Mehta Vocal Competition, the Atle Vestersjø Young Talent Award at the 3rd International Singing Competition for Baroque Opera Pietro Antonio Cesti in Innsbruck, the second prize at the Concorso Lirico Città di Magenta in Italy and the audience prize at the Concours International de Chant des Châteaux en Médoc 2013 in Bordeaux. Most recently she won the first prize and the audience prize with her Baroque ensemble, Ensemble Arava, at the International Competition for Concert Presentation in Frankfurt, Germany.

Next season Einat will join the Ensemble of the Opera house in Trier, there she will sing roles such as Susanna (Le Nozze di Figaro), Musetta (La Bohѐme) and Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier).

Fellépése az Operafesztiválon:

2019. 06. 16.
» Eötvös Péter: Az Aranysárkány (Der goldene Drache)


címkék: fesztiválok listája: 2019
közreműködők: operaénekes
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók
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