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Ez következik

israel comtempor playersThe Israel Contemporary PlayersAz 1991-ben alapított zenekart széles körben Izrael legjobb együtteseként tartják számon. Tevékenységükkel meghatározzák az ország zenei életét, és sokat tesznek a kortárs zene népszerűsítéséért.

Founded in 1991, the ICP is widely regarded as the best ensemble of its kind in Israel. Its activity has impacted the country’s musical life and popular appreciation of contemporary music.

The ensemble regularly commissions, performs and records works by Israeli composers and so far has premiered over 100 Israeli compositions, besides performing an international repertoire from the 20th and 21st centuries. The ensemble collaborates with the finest European and Israeli conductors and soloists, including Michel Tabatchnik, Peter Rundel, Jonathan Nott, Ilan Volkov, Fabian Panisello, Christian Eggen, Dietrich Henschel, Irvine Arditti, Boris Berman and George Benjamin, to name just a few. The ICP, which was awarded the National Lottery Foundation prize for excellence in Israel, is internationally renowned and receives frequent invitations to perform at the most prestigious venues and festivals in Europe and Asia.
The concert series “Discoveries” is performed regularly at the Tel Aviv Museum and the Jerusalem Music Centre, and all its concerts are broadcast live on the “Voice of Music,” Israel’s national classical music station.
The ensemble consists of 14 players.

Fellépésük az Operafesztiválon:

2019. 06. 16.
» Eötvös Péter: Az Aranysárkány (Der goldene Drache)


címkék: fesztiválok listája: 2019
közreműködők: társulat
kategóriák: előadók, alkotók
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